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What makes zinc a unique material? How can we get the most out of elZinc® zinc-titanium ? What are the parameters to be taken into account before, during and after installation?

We answer all these questions and many more in our new comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of elZinc® zinc-titanium “The Material – General Considerations“. This document brings together and presents the aesthetic and functional advantages of elZinc as a roofing and cladding material, as well as common considerations regarding its performance, to be taken into account during installation, and other general aspects to be borne in mind when designing and executing roofing and cladding in elZinc®.

All our advice and recommendations regarding the material compiled in one document will help specifiers, installers, users and customers to handle and use elZinc® optimally, to make sure their projects look great and ensure that elZinc® gives its best performance over the long life-time of the material.

elZinc finishes/products

Find out more about the widest range of zinc finishes and its specific features and benefits.

Best practices

Understand the general principles to take into consideration when designing or building with elZinc.

Resistant to any climate

A clear guide on how to correctly use zinc in costal or aggressive areas.

Specific product information

Specific sections treating reaction to fire properties, compatibility, SRI values…

All you need to know about zinc and much more...

The elZinc General considerations guide leads you through every concept you should know when working with zinc. From environmental and product specific data to the best practices on the building site, find all the information you need to design and build  long-lasting elZinc roofs and façades.