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Sistema smaltimento acque piovane

Punti chiave

  • Sistema collaudato e usato da generazioni
  • Designs attraente negli stili a sezione tonda, a sezione quadrata e a cornice
  • Duraturo e non necessita di manutenzione
  • Non scolorisce a causa dei raggi UV
  • Non si indebolisce a causa dei raggi UV
  • Disponibile nella gamma completa di finiture elZinc
  • Completamente riciclabile

Informazioni di base sul sistema

1. Canale di gronda tipo tedesco
2. Canale di gronda a sezione quadrata
3. Canale di gronda profilato
4. Sostegno
5. Angolo esterno
6. Angolo interno
7. Testale
8. Giunto di espansione
9. Imbocco
10. Gomito (72º in figura)
11. Tubo pluviale
12. Collare

Dimensioni delle grondaie sospese e dei pluviali associati
Larghezza (w), profondità (h) in mm, sezione (cm2)
Pluviale corrispondente

Mezzo giroSezione a scatola
Cornice Tondo Piazza
20096, 40, 31, 686, 42, 296060 x 60
250123, 53, 43, 4103, 55, 478080 x 80
280145, 63, 74, 980 / 87
333173, 77, 108140, 75, 90150, 98, 11010095 x 95
400214, 96, 166,1172, 90, 135120120 x 120
500272, 125, 273,1222, 110, 220120 / 150120 x 120


Cold climates

In cold climates, snow retention systems should be installed to prevent snow slipping onto the gutters from the roof. This can quickly overload the brackets and damage the gutter – local regulations may apply. If this is not possible for any reason then the gutter’s front edge should not be higher than the projected line of the roof.


Universal outlets. There are various standard dimensions to provide a number of gutter / outlet combinations. The outlet is hooked around the gutter and is free to move so it does not limit thermal movement. Running (spigot) outlets are soldered to the gutter, so they do limit thermal movement and therefore an expansion joint must be placed a maximum of 7,5m from them. It is good practice to provide an outlet next to internal angles to deal with the extra flow at that point from the valley gutter. Depending on the size of the roof, a corner hopper may be beneficial.

Gutter sizing

The drainage capacity of the rainwater system is affected by the capacity of the gutter to carry rainwater to the outlet, and the capacity of the outlet and rain water pipe to drain that water. In normalised eaves gutter systems, outlets, downpipes and gutters are designed to create free discharge conditions, meaning that only the gutter run needs to be calculated. Using EN 12056-3, which assumes free discharge conditions, the following tables giving gutter flow capacity and the effective roof area able to be drained by a gutter run is shown. These figures assume nominally level gutters and no wind effect on the effective catchment area. It should be noted that for each corner within the run with a change in direction greater than 10º, both the discharge capacity of the gutter and the roof area it can drain must be reduced by 15%. Further reductions are needed if the outlet is fitted with a leave guard. For more information on the dimensioning of hanging gutters, please consult our technical department.


Gutters lengths are joined end to end and connected to corners and expansion joints using soft soldered joints.


Eaves gutters should be installed to a slight fall to aid their self-cleaning. Ideally 3 – 5mm / m but at least 1mm / m. This also gives them added flow capacity.


Gutter brackets should be fixed at centres varying from 700mm to 900mm according to the expected snow loads, or can be fixed to line up with standing seam centres (more expensive than the former but generally it looks much better). Two main types of bracket exist – roof fitted or fascia fitted. Roof fitted brackets must be rebated into the substrate to fit flush with the surface. They should be securely fitted, which means they should be either nailed or screw fixed through to the rafters (which in turn means they will not line up with standing seam centres) or alternatively fitted to an eaves board made of solid softwood which allows the brackets to be fixed independently of rafter positions and thus to line up with seam centres – see drawings.

Thermal expansion and contraction

Gutters are installed to allow for thermal movement and the entire system is designed taking this into account. The gutter brackets allow the gutter to slide over them and expansion joints are placed every 15m maximum (7,5m maximum from corners or running outlets) to keep expansion within limits.

Downpipe assembly

Downpipes are fixed to the wall at centres not exceeding 3m using downpipe brackets. These are positioned at the top of each pipe, just below the sleeved end to end downpipe joint (which is slightly wider) and therefore cannot slip through the bracket. The downpipes should be lapped 50mm within each sleeved joint. The pipes should be fixed at least 20mm away from the wall.

Tabella informativa sulla capacità della grondaia rotonda

Sezione della grondaia
Sviluppo 250 mm
Sviluppo 333 mm
Sviluppo 400 mmSviluppo 500 mm
QArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s ha
<51,0736 m227 m22,6488 m266 m24,63154 m2116 m28,66289 m2217 m2
7,51,0235 m226 m22,5484 m263 m24,48149 m2112 m28,59286 m2214 m2
100,9732 m224 m22,4582 m261 m24,35145 m2109 m28,35278 m2209 m2
150,8829 m222 m22,2876 m257 m24,10137 m2103 m27,97266 m2199 m2
200,8027 m220 m22,1271 m253 m23,87129 m297 m27,60235 m2190 m2

Tabella informativa sulla capacità della grondaia quadrata

Sezione della grondaia
Sviluppo 250 mmSviluppo 333 mmSviluppo 400 mmSviluppo 500 mm
QArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s haQArea effettiva del tetto r=l/s ha
<51,0234 m226 m22,3879 m259 m23,96132 m299 m27,23241 m2181 m2
7,50,9732 m224 m22,2876 m256 m23,83127 m295 m27,02234 m2175 m2
100,8230 m223 m22,1873 m255 m23,63121 m291 m26,82227 m2172 m2
150,8228 m220 m22,0167 m250 m23,44115 m286 m26,43214 m2161 m2
200,7425 m219 m2,8562 m246 m23,21107 m280 m26,07202 m2152 m2