elZinc obtains Carbon Footprint Certification and reaffirms its commitment to the environment

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime.
In this context and within the scope of the Low Environmental Impact Policy that we have been developing for years, and as recognition and evidence of the compliance of our management system to ISO standard 14064-1:2018, AENOR, an independent certification body, has awarded us the Carbon Footprint Organisation certificate.
What is a company’s carbon footprint?
A company’s Carbon Footprint is a voluntary environmental indicator that quantifies the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting directly or indirectly, from an organisation’s activities (transport, energy consumption, manufacturing, raw material production, etc…). This register allows us to identify processes within the organisation that result in the greatest emissions, so we can focus our efforts on them and implement measures to reduce our carbon footprint arising from them.
How can elZinc reduce its carbon footprint?
Here are some of the measures we are implementing:
- Reduce our dependence on fossil fuels: the solar panels that we have installed on the roofs of our factory generate part of the energy required for our industrial processes allowing us to save 893t of CO2 emissions.
- Making better use of raw materials and energy: the cutting-edge technologies we are using in our manufacturing processes help us optimise the energy efficiency of our factory and improve the use of raw materials.
- Working in coordination with our suppliers to design new raw material solutions with a low carbon footprint that allow us to move towards a more sustainable model.
- Redesigning internal plant logistics systems to work with transport units that do not use fossil fuels.