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Why is elZinc sustainable?

Sustainability is a priority for elZinc.  We develop innovative and environmentally friendly processes and products that enable the construction of sustainable buildings.


elZinc: a long-lasting building material.

Zinc is a ‘living’ material, it protects itself by naturally developing a patina during the early stages of its life that guards against corrosion, and gives it self-healing properties making it extremely durable.  Its life span can exceed 100 years (depending on the surrounding atmosphere), indeed in wall cladding applications some experts estimate an expected life span of some 200 years.  In order to guarantee the longevity of this versatile metal, correct execution of the zinc cladding is a must.

A material guaranteed for life

One of the main characteristics of titanium zinc is its high resistance to corrosion. Produced using cutting edge technologies and according to a rigorous quality protocol, elZinc is of exceptional quality.

The lifetime guarantee we offer – unique in the sector – reflects the reliability of our elZinc Astur® and elZinc Slate® finishes. With more than a decade on the market, we have accredited their quality, solidifying our commitment to our customers.

Lifetime Warranty zinc
recyclable elZinc

elZinc: recyclable material

Zinc is 100% recyclable and can be reused a practically unlimited number of times, without the loss of any of its chemical or mechanical properties, or any loss in quality.

Note: All of the zinc by-products that are generated during the elZinc® production processes are recycled and reused, either in its own production processes or externally such as in the use of zinc oxide as a catalyst in the vulcanisation of rubber.

elZinc: an environmentally friendly manufacturing process

The industrial management programme we have put in place, together with the highly efficient industrial plant we have at our disposal, allows us to optimise both the use of raw materials and energy at our production site. To minimise our carbon footprint, special attention is focussed on the recycling and reuse of zinc by-products generated during the production process.

Comparison Energy consumption

Aluminium 255 MJ/kg 482 MJ/m2 (0.7 mm thick aluminium)
Cooper 70 MJ 375 MJ/m2 (0.6 mm thick copper)
Zinc 51 MJ/kg 238 MJ/m2 (0.65 mm thick zinc)

Source: ‘Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery’.

When used as the building envelope, it contributes to preserving natural resources through efficient use of energy, reducing greenhouse gases and minimising the use of existing zinc ore reserves.


Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)

Solar reflectance is the property of a material to reflect solar radiation from its surface back to the sky. The Solar Reflectance Index is a value between 0 and 1.  0 indicates that the material absorbs all solar energy it receives whereas a value of 1 corresponds to total thermal reflectance.  Depending on various parameters, products for architectural roofing and cladding applications can help to reduce, among other things, certain energy needs or indeed the urban heat island effect.

Depending on your project’s requirements, our range of surface finishes offer different SRI values. As an example, check out how the use of elZinc Rainbow Gold can help you obtain LEED certification credits for your building.