Quality and innovation are the cornerstones of our company around which we focus the development of ground breaking products adapted to the market and the needs of our customers. To achieve this, we rely on a large R&D team that strives to continuously improve our products and the development of new solutions.
Our commitment to the customer is paramount. We work together in the development and improvement of our products based on their specific needs, guaranteeing they consistently receive high quality, durable architectural zinc.
One of the main characteristics of titanium zinc is its high resistance to corrosion. Produced using cutting edge technologies and according to a rigorous quality protocol, elZinc is of exceptional quality.
The lifetime guarantee we offer – unique in the sector – reflects the reliability of our elZinc Astur® and elZinc Slate® finishes. With more than a decade on the market, we have accredited their quality, solidifying our commitment to our customers.